Międzynarodowe Sympozja Naukowe Fundacji IWRD

Publikacje IWRD

Publikacje dotyczące autyzmu i Zespołu Aspergera

Instytut Wspomagania Rozwoju Dziecka oprócz tego, że diagnozuje autyzm, szkoli specjalistów, prowadzi terapię, to również aktywnie prowadzi badania naukowe nad skutecznością terapii autyzmu (w tym Zespołu Aspergera) metodą zwaną pozytywnym nurtem Stosowanej Analizy Zachowania. Wyniki publikowane są w periodykach o światowej renomie. Dzięki tym działaniom Fundacja IWRD ma swój wkład w zwiększenie skuteczności terapii autyzmu u dzieci. 


16. A Comparison Controlled Study Examining Outcome for Children With Autism Receiving Intensive Behavioral Intervention (IBI)

Wójcik, M., Eikeseth, S., Ferreira Eikeseth, F., Budzinska, E., Budzińska, A. (2023).
A Comparison Controlled Study Examining Outcome for Children With Autism Receiving Intensive Behavioral Intervention (IBI), Behavioral Modification, 0(0).


15. Teaching the First Component of Social Referencing to Preschoolers with Autism. Reacting to New and Missing Objects in the Environment

Lubomirska, A., Eldevik, S., Eikeseth, S., Budzińska, A. (2023).
Teaching the First Component of Social Referencing to Preschoolers with Autism. Reacting to New and Missing Objects in the Environment International, Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, Pages: 87-96.


14. Professional Development of Behavior Analysts in Europe: A Snapshot for 21 Countries

Keenan, M., Dillenburger, K., Konrad, M. H., Debetencourt N., Vuksan, R., Kourea, L., Pancocha, K., Kingsdorf, S., Brandtberg, H.J., Ozkan, N., Abdelnour, H., Da Costa-Meranda, M., Schuldt, S., Mellon, R., Herman, A., Tennyson, A., Ayvazo, S., Moderato, P., Attard, N., Schenk, J., Budzinska, A., Virues-Ortega, J., Roll-Pettersson, L., Strömberg, D., Wirth, S., Escané, C., Glaus-Stuessi, E., Moskalets,. A. & Gallagher, S. (2022).
Professional Development of Behavior Analysts in Europe: A Snapshot for 21 Countries. Behavior Analysis in Practice.


13. Teaching nonvocal children with autism to request missing items. Behavioral Interventions

Domańska, L., Wójcik M., Eikeseth S. (2022).
Teaching nonvocal children with autism to request missing items. Behavioral Interventions, 1-17.


12. The development and validation of the social referencing observation scale as a screening instrument for autism spectrum disorder

Lubomirska, A., Eldevik S., Eikeseth, S., Riis, S., Budzińska, A. (2022).
The development and validation of the social referencing observation scale as a screening instrument for autism spectrum disorder. Behavioral Interventions, 37(4), 1043-1057.


11. The social referencing observation scale (SoROS) for children: scale development and reliability

Lubomirska, A., Eldevik, S., Eikeseth, S., Strømgren, B., Budzińska, A. (2021).
The social referencing observation scale (soros) for children: scale development and reliability. Behavioral Interventions, 36, 635-651.


10. Using the application friendly schedule on a tablet to promote independence in children with autism spectrum disorder

Ruta-Sominka, I., Budzińska, A., (2021).
Using the application friendly schedule on a tablet to promote independence in children with autism spectrum disorder. International Journal of Research in E-Learning, 2020, 6(2), 1-18.


9. Teaching children with autism to request items using audio scripts, interrupted chain procedure and sufficient exemplar training

Wójcik, M., Eikeseth, S., Eldevik, S., Budzińska, A. (2020).
Teaching children with autism to request items using audio scripts, interrupted chain procedure and sufficient exemplar training. Behavioral Interventions, 36(2), 40-57.


8. Skuteczna terapia dziecka z autyzmem. praktyczny poradnik dla terapeutów i rodziców

Budzińska, A. (2020).
Skuteczna terapia dziecka z autyzmem. Praktyczny poradnik dla terapeutów i rodziców. GWP.


7. Przyjazne aplikacje dla dzieci z autyzmem – e-edukacja na poziomie przedszkolnym

Landowska, A., Wróbel, M., Budzińska, A., Ruta-Sominka, I. (2017).
Przyjazne aplikacje dla dzieci z autyzmem – e-edukacja na poziomie przedszkolnym. EduAkcja. Magazyn Edukacji Elektronicznej, 2(14), 13-27.


6. Friendly applications: supporting education of children with autism

Landowska, A., Wróbel, M., Budzińska, A., Ruta-Sominka, I. (2016).
Friendly applications: supporting education of children with autism . ELearning Excellence Awards: An Anthology of Case Histories. ed. Dan Remenyi Reading: Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, 105-117.


5. Use of scriptc and scripts-fading procedures and activity schedules to develop spontaneous social interaction in a three-year-old girl with autism

Budzińska, A., Lubomirska, A., Wójcik, A., Krantz, P. J., McClannahan, L. (2014).
Use of scriptc and scripts-fading procedures and activity schedules to develop spontaneous social interaction in a three-year-old girl with autism. Health Psychology Report, Volume 2(1), 67-71.


4. Promoting the generalization of verbal behaviors in autistic child

Budzińska, A., Wójcik, M., (2012).
Promoting the generalization of verbal behaviors in autistic child. Acta Neuropsychologica, 10(2): 307–327.


3. Teaching verbal behaviors to a four-year-old autistic boy using techniques of applied behavior analysis

Budzińska, A., Wójcik, M. (2010).
Teaching verbal behaviors to a four-year-old autistic boy using techniques of applied behavior analysis. Acta Neuropsychologica, 8(2) 181–195.


2. Zespół Aspergera. Księga pytań i odpowiedzi

Budzińska, A., Wójcik, M., (2010).
Zespół Aspergera. Księga pytań i odpowiedzi. Wydawnictwo Harmonia


1. Analysis techniques in reducing self-injurious behaviours in a three-year-old autistic girl

Budzińska, A., Lubomirska, A. (2009).
Analysis techniques in reducing self-injurious behaviours in a three-year-old autistic girl, Acta Neuropsychologica, 7(3): 196-209.